I started working on my first Indie game really long ago. Probably even before Stage3d was announced. But my day job kept me busy and the development happened only on and off. Here are a few details about it - Has a resolution of 720 x 480 (3:2 aspect ratio, had old iPhone screens in mind) - Not based on Blitting like Flixel does. I used the display list. - A lot of procedural artwork with AS3 filters, but with cacheAsBitmap enabled. - Heavy usage of 'Graphics' class, to create the elements via code. - Also has usual PNG frame animated graphics. Having worked on Robokill for the iOS, I got to read a lot of the original AS3 code. But little did I realize that even though that game had a resolution of 800 x 600, had lot of graphics and still ran smoothly, that game was designed in such a way that not the entire screen needed to be redrawn each frame. It never had parallax scrolling backgrounds, or full screen effects. It was written with a home-grown AS3 game engine a...