
Showing posts from December, 2009

Simflex Image Gallery - Full Free Flex Image Gallery

I am releasing my source code for a full fledged Flex 3 image gallery along with a PHP based Minimal Image file manager page with upload, delete and automatic thumbnail generation features. I had made this while learning Flex, but it is very usable in many projects. To see it in action, download, extract and put the bin-debug folder under your web server. There is a folder called "Admin" inside "bin-debug" folder which has the PHP part responsible image upload, XML file generation and auto thumbnail code. To manage the images, use filelist.php in admin folder. Tested with JPG and PNG images. Download Source code - 8.78 MB (along with sample images) Please drop me a line if you are using this anywhere.

3d Tunnel OpenGL Source code - iPhone OpenGL ES compatible !

I am releasing source code of the iPhone OpenGL ES compatible Never-Ending Tunnel Source Code. The code is done using SDL on Windows only. But the OpenGL elements use only Triangle strips and all OpenGL ES compatible functions and porting to iPhone is a cakewalk. I have searched on the web and never found a ES compatible version which is easily portable, so here we go enjoy. I have intentionally left a small glitch in Texture Coordinate generation, which actually looks pretty according to me. If you need I can help you to fix is easily. Some important notes :- No Models present - The Tunnel is a torus which is completely procedurally generated.. so the torus properties can be changed easily. The Texture generation part is platform dependent. The files RTexture.h and RTexture.cpp is almost completely copy-paste reusable :D DO NOT REMOVE - #define QUAKEBOY_IS_AWESOME (!) Download Source code (along with SDL Library and Binaries included - 1.36 MB)